17 January 2009

The Forigviness of Sins

''I believe in the forgiveness of sins.''

If we claim to be without sin,we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.If we confess
our sins ,He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 john 1:8-9

Why does the creed speak of the forgiveness of sin at this stage?
The creed connects the forgiveness of sin to the profession of faith in the Holy Spirit.The risen Christ gave the power to forgive sins to the apostles when he gave them the Holy Spirit. john 20:22-23

How are our sins forgiven ?
Our sins are principally forgiven through faith and Baptism.This unites us to the risen Christ,and gives us the Holy Spirit.

Apart from Baptism ,are there other ways in which our sins are forgiven?
True sorrow for sin brings forgiveness .In accordance with Christ's will,the Church has the power to forgive those sins committed after Baptism.John.20:22.This power is exercised by bishops and priests,through the the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick.The Eucharist is also means of forgiveness.

'' I believe in the resurrection of the body.....''

I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live....Do not be amazed at this,for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out...john 5:25,28-29

What will happen to our mortal bodies ?
At death the soul will separate from the body,but on the Last Day,at the resurrection,body and soul will be reunited and God will give an incorruptible life to our transformed bodies.As Christ is risen and lives forever so we too will all rise on the last day.

Will our bodies be the same as the bodies we now have?
We believe in the resurrection of the body that we now have,however,while our natural body is corruptible our risen bodies will be incorruptible. 1 cor.15:44

Why do we have to die?
All humanity is subject to bodily death because of original sin.If it were not for sin we would not have to die.

What does death mean to a Christian ?
For the Christian death has a positive meaning.The obedience of Jesus has changed the curse of death into a blessing.'' For me,to live is Christ and to die is gain'' phi.1:21

How should we prepare for death?
The Church encourages us to prepare for the hour of our death, ''from an unprovided death , deliver us o Lord''. We should ask Mary the 'Mother of God' to intercede for us ''at the hour of our death'' and entrust ourselves to St.Joseph ,patron of a good death.

'' I believe in life everlasting.''

For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son that whosoever will believe in him
will not parish but have life everlasting. John 3;16

What happens immediately after death?
Immediately after death each person is Judged before Christ. ''It is appointed for man to die once then comes the judgement.'' This judgement is the work of Christ,judge of the living and the dead.

What is heaven?
Heaven is a state in which we see God face to face,are made like him in glory and enjoy eternal happiness.It is the communion of life and love with the Blessed Trinity with Mary the angels and all the saints.rev.5:11-14,7:9-17.It is the fulfillment of all our longings. ''Things that no eye has seen and no ear has heard,things beyond the mind of man,all that God has prepared for those who love him.'' 1 cor2:9

What do those who are now in paradise do?
We believe that the souls that are reunited with Jesus and Mary form the Church of heaven.They are eternally blessed and see God as he is,They are also associated with the holy angels,interceding for us....''and they were holding golden bowls of incense,which are the prayers of the saints....''rev.5:8

What is hell?
The principal pain of hell is eternal separation from God.Only in God do we find life and happiness.

At the end of time,after the final resurrection will everyone appear before Christ the Judge?
On the Day of Judgement everyone will appear with their own bodies before the tribunal of Christ to give an account of their lives.This is the Last Judgement. And then the Kingdom of God will come to completion and the just will reign with Christ forever,glorified in body and soul and there will be a ''new heaven and a new earth'' rev.21:1

In Summary:Baptism is the first and chief sacrament of the forgiveness of sins:it unites us to Christ who died and rose again and gives us the Holy Spirit.By Christ's will the Church possesses the power to forgive the sins of the Baptized and exercises it through the sacrament of penance.
We believe in the true resurrection of the body that we now possess.We sow a corruptible body in the tomb he raises an incorruptible body.Every man receives his eternal recompense in his immortal soul from the moment of his death in a particular judgement by Christ,who is Judge of the living and the dead.At the end of time,the Kingdom of Christ will come to it,s fullness.Then the just will reign with Christ forever,glorified in body and soul and God will them be all in all.

16 January 2009

The Church

''I believe in the holy Catholic Church''

The word Church means 'assembly' It describes the liturgical assembly of those whom the Word of God gathers together to form the People of God.It also refers to both the local community and to the universal community of believers.The Church is thus the People that God
gathers in the whole word.This people,nourished by the Word and by the Body of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist,themselves become the Body of Christ.

When did the Church begin and how long will it continue?
The Church was at heart the of God's creative purposes from the beginning and was prepared for
in the Old Covenant,founded by the words and actions of Jesus Christ,established by his saving cross and resurrection and sealed by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.She will come to completion in the glory of heaven as the assembly of the redeemed.

Is the Church visible?
The Church is both visible and spiritual ''you are the light of the world.A city on a hill cannot be hid''.mat.5:14

How does one become a member of the Church?
One comes into the Church through faith and baptism. mar.16:16,acts.2:38

Why is the Church called the ''People of God'' ?
The members of the Church are called the People of God because God has chosen them in a special way:''you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,a holy nation and God's own people.'' 1 pet.2:9

Why is the Church called the ''Body of Christ'' ?
The Church is called the Body of Christ to indicate the intimate relationship between Christ and his Church.With the Eucharist the risen Christ establishes the community of the faithful as his Body and with himself as the Head.All the members though different and with different functions are bound together as one Body.

Why is the Church called ''Bride of Christ" ?
The Church is called the Bride of Christ because he loved her and gave himself up for her.
He purified her in his precious blood and made her the mother of the children of God.

Why is the Church called the " Temple of the Holy Spirit "?
The Church is called the Temple of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the soul of the mystical body of Christ.The Holy Spirit is the source of it,s life,of it,s unity in diversity and of the richness of it,s gifts and charisms.

How is the Church one?
The Church is one because she has only one Lord, professes one faith,gives birth through one
baptism,is one Body,is made alive by one and the same spirit,and holds to the one hope in God.
The Church believes that,when all is fulfilled,everything will be made one in Christ and divisions will be ended.

How is the Church Holy?
The Church is holy because she is created by the most holy God.Christ her Bridegroom,gave himself up for her to make her holy.The spirit of holiness gives her life.Even though she contains sinful people,the Church is without spot or stain. Her glory shines forth in all the saints and especially Mary in whom is found all holiness.

How is the Church Catholic?
The Church is Catholic because she proclaims the whole faith.She has within herself and administers the fullness of the means of salvation.By her very nature she is missionary and is sent to all people.She speaks to people of every race and nation in every age.

How is the Church Apostolic?
The Church is Apostolic because she is built on firm foundations:''the twelve apostles of the Lamb'' rev.21:14.Christ himself governs the Church through Peter and other Apostles who are present in their successors,the Pope and the bishops.Hence the Church is indestructibly and infallibly preserved in the truth.

What is the power of the keys given to Peter and his successors?
By divine institution,the Pope is vested with supreme,full,immediate and universal power for the good of souls.He has the prerogative of infallibility when he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine concerning faith or morals.

What is the work of a Bishop?
Bishops ,helped by priests and deacons,have as their principal tasks;to teach the faith authentically;to celebrate the liturgy,and above all the Eucharist;and to guide the Church as true pastors.

Who are the lay faithful (laity)?
The laity are the community of the faithful on earth under the leadership of the Pope and of the Bishops in communion with him.

What is the Calling of the laity?
The laity are called to live in the world and through their daily work,to exercise apostate like leaven thus responding to holiness of all the baptized.By virtue of their Baptism and Confirmation they share in the royal,prophetic and priestly work of Christ.

In Summary:When the work which the Father gave the Son was accomplished on earth,the Holy Spirit was sent on Pentecost in order that He may continue to sanctify the Church.The Spirit dwells in the Church and in the hearts of the faithful as in a Temple.In them he prays on their behalf and bears witness that they are adopted Sons.Thus the Church has been seen as ''a People made one with the unity of Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit.''
Dogmatic constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium)

The Holy Spirit

'' I believe in the Holy Spirit''

'' No one understands the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.Now God's spirit,who reveals God also reveals Christ to us and his Word,his living utterance but the spirit does not speak of himself .The Spirit who ''speaks through the prophets'' makes us hear the Father's Word,but we don,t hear the Spirit himself.We know him only in the movement by which he reveals the Word.
He then disposes us to welcome him in faith,but the Spirit who unveils Christ to us will not speak on his own. Such properly divine self-effacement explains why ''the world cannot receive him,because it neither sees him nor knows him '' while those who believe in Christ know the spirit because he dwells in them.'' CCC.

Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity,the one whom the Father has sent into our hearts,the Spirit of his Son.He is truly God, the Lord and Giver of Life.He proceeds from the Father and the Son;with the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified.

What was the roll of the Holy Spirit in Incarnation of the Son?
In the fullness of time the Holy Spirit brought to Mary all the preparations made for the coming of Christ among the people of Israel.Through the work of the Holy Spirit within her the Father gave to the world the Immanuel ''God with us'' mat.1:23.The Son of God is consecrated as the Christ by the anointing of the Holy Spirit at his baptism in the Jordan by John, mar.1:10 .

How was the Holy Spirit first given to the Church?
The Holy Spirit was first given to the Church at Pentecost,when the apostles were ''filled with Holy Spirit''.Since that time,from his place of glory with the Father,Christ continues to pour out the gift of the Holy Spirit on the faithful in many different ways.

In what particular ways is the Holy Spirit given to us?
The Holy Spirit is given to us through the sacraments and in particular through baptism and confirmation.There are also special marks of the presence of the Spirit in our lives called charisms which help us in our christian life for example;teaching,prophesying,caring for those in need,living as a religious and bringing up children.'' Our gifts differ according to the grace given us.''Rom.12:6

In Summary: ''Because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts ,crying
Abba Father'' gal.4:6
The Son of God was consecrated as Christ (Messiah) by the anointing of the Holy Spirit at his Incarnation.By his Death and Resurrection,Jesus is constituted in glory as Lord and Christ.From his fullness he poured out the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Church.The Holy Spirit,whom Christ the head pours out on his members,builds animates and sanctifies the Church,

11 January 2009

The Passion

''He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,died and was buried.''

Why did he encounter opposition from some of the Jews?
Some of things he did and said such as: forgiving sins,casting out demons,healing on the sabbath day and showing friendship to sinners seemed like signs of contradictions.
There were those who interpreted what he said as blasphemy,because they said,he ''made himself out to be God.''

What is the meaning of the last supper?
Jesus freely gave himself for our salvation on the alter of the Cross.At the last supper he both symbolized this offering and made it really present:''this is my body given for you.'' luk.22:19

What does it mean to say that Jesus died for our sins?
It means that ''God was reconciling the world to himself.'' 2 cor.5:19
And God 'loved us' and sent his Son to be expiation for our sins. 1 john 4:10

What is Christ's Redemption?
Christ's redemptive act was ''to give his life as a ransom for many'' mat.20:28
...so they might be ransomed from the futile ways they inherited from their fathers.'' 1 pet.1:18

Has Jesus taken away our sins?
Through his loving obedience to the Father, ''even to death on the cross'' phi.2:8, Jesus fulfilled the saving mission of the Suffering Servant which justifies many,by taking their sins upon himself Is.53:11. Jesus is the head of all mankind,and is therefore able to offer his redemptive sacrifice for all.

''He descended into hell .On the third he rose again.''

What does 'descended into hell'' mean?
It means that Jesus was truly dead, and that by dying for us,he conquered death and the devil who is the one ''who has the power of death'' heb.2:14

What happened after Jesus died?
After three days Jesus rose from the dead ,this called 'the resurrection'.

Is the resurrection an historical event?
The Resurrection is a real event.The writers of the New Testament bear witness to the facts of His Resurrection. 1corn.15:3-8.The disciples met the Lord after His Resurrection and witnessed the empty tomb,ate with him and saw the His scars and wounds to his hands and feet.John 20:24-28.

What does the empty tomb mean?
It pointed to the fact that by the power of God His body was resurrected and escaped the bonds of death and corruption.

Is Jesus's Resurrection of significant importance for us today?
Jesus's Resurrection is significant for our own Salvation.''Christ the first born of those risen from the dead'' Col.1:18,is the guarantee of our own resurrection.

''He ascended into heaven and is at the right hand of the Father''

What did Jesus do after he rose from the dead?
After his resurrection he spent forty days with his with his disciples until he ascended to heaven

What does the Ascension mean?
The Ascension marks the definitive entrance of the humanity of Jesus into the heavenly kingdom
of God,from where he will return.

Is Jesus' Ascension into heaven important for us today?
Jesus has gone before us to the glorious kingdom of the Father and to 'prepare a place for us so that where he is we may be also' John 14:1-4

Does Jesus now in heaven concern himself with us today?
Yes.Having gone into the sanctuary of heaven he intercedes for us and continually pours out the Holy Spirit on his Church.

''He will come again to judge the living and the dead''

Has the reign of Christ of already begun?
Christ the Lord reigns now through his Church though not everything in this world yet is subject to him.The triumph of Christ's return will not come without one last assault from the powers of evil.

How long will the struggle between good and evil last?
The wheat and chaff like in the parable in mat.13:24-30 will grow together through out history until the Christ comes in Glory to complete the final victory over evil.

What will happen on the day of Judgement?
Christ in Glory will come again to judge the living and the dead. ''For God will bring every deed into judgement with every secret thing,whether good or evil'' ecc.12:14

In Summary:Christ died for us in accordance to the scriptures.Jesus freely gave himself for our Salvation;during the Last Supper he both symbolized and and made it really present ''this is my body,this is my blood''.Jesus really did die and conquered death and the devil who has the power of death.The empty tomb and linen cloths lying there signify in themselves that by the power of God Christ's body had escaped the bonds of death and corruption. ''He is the first born of the dead''Christ already reigns from 'the right seat of the father' through the Church and continues to pour out the Holy spirit and will come again in Glory to judge the living and the dead.

10 January 2009

The Father

God infinitely perfect and blessed in himself,in a plan of pure goodness freely created the human
race to share his blessed life and is close to us all at all times and in all places.God calls and helps each person,all human beings,to seek, know and love him with all their strength.Through his Son,whom he sent in the fullness of time as Redeemer and Saviour,the Father gathers all people scattered and dived by sin into the unity of his family his church.Through his Son and in him the Father invites them to become his adopted children in the Holy Spirit and so heirs to his blessed life.

"I believe in God the Father creator of heaven and earth"

Our profession of faith begins with God,for God is the first and the last;the beginning and end of everything.The creed begins with God the Father,for the Father is the first divine person of Holy Trinity.

Has God spoken to mankind?
God has shown and given himself to us through love:this is called Divine Revelation.God himself is the complete response to all our questions about the meaning and purpose of life.

When has God spoken to us?
God showed himself to our first parents,Adam and Eve at the beginning of time.After their fall into sin God made a binding promise (covenant) that Salvation would in time be found.Jesus Christ,the only Son of God is the fullness of God's revelation of Himself to us.

Where is Divine Revelation to be found?
Divine Revelation is found in the Bible (sacred scripture) and Tradition (spoken word)

What is sacred scripture?
Sacred Scripture consists of the writings of the Bible inspired by God.These are the forty-six books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament.

Who is the author of Scripture?
There are many human writers of Scripture who wrote under God's inspiration.But the one true author of Scripture is God himself.Therefore we can be sure that these writings contain,without error,the truths of our salvation.

What is Apostolic Tradition?
Apostolic Tradition is the teaching given by Christ the Lord and by the Holy Spirit to the apostles that has come down to us in the Church.

How do we interpret the Bible and Tradition?
First of all we interpret the Bible and Tradition through Christ....he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures.....He opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.Luk.24:27,45 and also through the teaching authority of the Church...They devoted themselves to the Apostle's teaching...Acts.2:42...''hold on to the traditions we passed on to you,whether by word of mouth or by letter''. 2 Thess.2:15

How should we respond to God's call?
We should respond to God's call above all with an act of faith.

What is faith?
Faith is a gift from God that enables us to respond freely,through our intellect and will,to Divine Revelation.

Is it necessary to believe in order to be saved?
Faith is necessary to believe in order to be saved.''Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved,whoever does not believe will be condemned'' Mar.16:16

Who is God?
God has revealed himself as I AM WHO I AM.His very being is truth and love.

What is the deepest mystery of our faith?
The deepest mystery of our faith is the blessed Trinity.Here God reveals himself as Father,Son and Holy Spirit.

How can we summarize this mystery?
There are three distinct persons in God:the person of the Father,the person of the Son and the person of the Holy Spirit,God teaches us something about the nature of his being.

Do the three divine persons have three distinct activities?
In one divine operation the three persons reveal their distinct role in the life of the Trinity,above all in the Incarnation of the Son and Holy Spirit.

What relationship do we have with the Trinity?
Through the grace of our baptism "in the Name of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit"we are given a share in the life of the blessed Trinity.

Is it only the Father who is creator?
The Father works together with Son and the Holy Spirit.They are one and indivisibly the source of creation.

Was it necessary for God to create the universe?
God created the universe freely,directly and without help.

What does "create" mean?
To create means to produce and give being to that which has no being,that is,to call into existence out of nothing.

Why did God create the world?
God created the world to show and communicate his glory,so that all creation might share in his truth,goodness and blessedness,and might give glory to Him.

In Summary:
The ultimate end of the whole divine economy is the entry of God's creatures in the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity.But even now we are called to be a dwelling for the Holy Trinity...''if a man loves me'' says the Lord ''he will keep my word and the Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.''John 14:23

The Son

'' I believe in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord"
Moved by the grace of the Holy Spirit and drawn by the Father , we believe in Jesus and confess
"you are the Christ, Son of the living God''.On the Rock of this faith which Peter confessed Christ built his Church.

What does the name ''Jesus'' mean ?
The name Jesus means "God who saves"He is called Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.

Why is Jesus called the ''Christ''?
The name Christ means anointed which is the same as Messiah.God consecrated him with the holy spirit and with power.He is the one who was to come,the object of hope for the people of Israel.

Why is Jesus called the Son of God?
The name ''Son of God'' shows the unique,eternal relationship with God the Father.He is the only begotten Son of the Father and is Himself truly God.

Why is Jesus called Lord?
The name ''Lord'' reveals His divine kingship.To call on Jesus as 'Lord' is to show faith in His divinity.No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

''He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary''

What is the mystery of the Incarnation?
The mystery of the Incarnation is the union of the divine and human natures in the one person of the Son.

Why is Jesus unique?
He is unique because He is the eternal Word of God and perfect image of the Father.

Is Jesus true God and true Man?
Jesus is true God and true Man,in the unity of the divine person.He is the one mediator between God and man.

Is Jesus like us in all things?
Jesus is like in all things except sin.

Who is the mother of Jesus?
The mother of Jesus is the Blessed Virgin Mary.She is full of Grace ,and is the first and most exalted fruit of Redemption,

Was Mary always a Virgin?
Mary was always a Virgin.She remained a Virgin in conceiving her Son, giving birth to her Son and throughout her whole life.With her whole being she was ''the handmaid of the Lord''.

Who were the brothers of Jesus in the Gospel?
The brothers of Jesus in the Gospel were His close relatives.It was normal practice to call your cousins 'brothers'.

What is the point of Jesus's temptation?
The temptations in the wilderness show Jesus as the humble Saviour who triumphs over Satan by His complete faithfulness to His Father's plan of Salvation.

What is the kingdom of God?
The kingdom of God was brought about on earth by Jesus,it is clearly shown in His work and words.The church is the seed and the beginning of this kingdom.The keys of the kingdom are entrusted to Peter and his successors.

Did Jesus go to his passion freely?
Jesus went up to Jerusalem freely,knowing he would die in the hands of sinners.

In Summary: The name Jesus means 'God saves'.The child born of the virgin Mary will be called Jesus ''for he will save his people from their sins''
The title 'Christ' means anointed which is the same as Messiah (Hebrew) for God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.The title 'Son of God' signifies the unique and eternal relationship Jesus Christ has with God the Father;He is the only Son of the Father;He is God himself.The title 'Lord' indicates divine sovereignty.To confess Jesus as 'Lord' is to proclaim his divinity.