10 January 2009

The Father

God infinitely perfect and blessed in himself,in a plan of pure goodness freely created the human
race to share his blessed life and is close to us all at all times and in all places.God calls and helps each person,all human beings,to seek, know and love him with all their strength.Through his Son,whom he sent in the fullness of time as Redeemer and Saviour,the Father gathers all people scattered and dived by sin into the unity of his family his church.Through his Son and in him the Father invites them to become his adopted children in the Holy Spirit and so heirs to his blessed life.

"I believe in God the Father creator of heaven and earth"

Our profession of faith begins with God,for God is the first and the last;the beginning and end of everything.The creed begins with God the Father,for the Father is the first divine person of Holy Trinity.

Has God spoken to mankind?
God has shown and given himself to us through love:this is called Divine Revelation.God himself is the complete response to all our questions about the meaning and purpose of life.

When has God spoken to us?
God showed himself to our first parents,Adam and Eve at the beginning of time.After their fall into sin God made a binding promise (covenant) that Salvation would in time be found.Jesus Christ,the only Son of God is the fullness of God's revelation of Himself to us.

Where is Divine Revelation to be found?
Divine Revelation is found in the Bible (sacred scripture) and Tradition (spoken word)

What is sacred scripture?
Sacred Scripture consists of the writings of the Bible inspired by God.These are the forty-six books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the New Testament.

Who is the author of Scripture?
There are many human writers of Scripture who wrote under God's inspiration.But the one true author of Scripture is God himself.Therefore we can be sure that these writings contain,without error,the truths of our salvation.

What is Apostolic Tradition?
Apostolic Tradition is the teaching given by Christ the Lord and by the Holy Spirit to the apostles that has come down to us in the Church.

How do we interpret the Bible and Tradition?
First of all we interpret the Bible and Tradition through Christ....he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures.....He opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.Luk.24:27,45 and also through the teaching authority of the Church...They devoted themselves to the Apostle's teaching...Acts.2:42...''hold on to the traditions we passed on to you,whether by word of mouth or by letter''. 2 Thess.2:15

How should we respond to God's call?
We should respond to God's call above all with an act of faith.

What is faith?
Faith is a gift from God that enables us to respond freely,through our intellect and will,to Divine Revelation.

Is it necessary to believe in order to be saved?
Faith is necessary to believe in order to be saved.''Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved,whoever does not believe will be condemned'' Mar.16:16

Who is God?
God has revealed himself as I AM WHO I AM.His very being is truth and love.

What is the deepest mystery of our faith?
The deepest mystery of our faith is the blessed Trinity.Here God reveals himself as Father,Son and Holy Spirit.

How can we summarize this mystery?
There are three distinct persons in God:the person of the Father,the person of the Son and the person of the Holy Spirit,God teaches us something about the nature of his being.

Do the three divine persons have three distinct activities?
In one divine operation the three persons reveal their distinct role in the life of the Trinity,above all in the Incarnation of the Son and Holy Spirit.

What relationship do we have with the Trinity?
Through the grace of our baptism "in the Name of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit"we are given a share in the life of the blessed Trinity.

Is it only the Father who is creator?
The Father works together with Son and the Holy Spirit.They are one and indivisibly the source of creation.

Was it necessary for God to create the universe?
God created the universe freely,directly and without help.

What does "create" mean?
To create means to produce and give being to that which has no being,that is,to call into existence out of nothing.

Why did God create the world?
God created the world to show and communicate his glory,so that all creation might share in his truth,goodness and blessedness,and might give glory to Him.

In Summary:
The ultimate end of the whole divine economy is the entry of God's creatures in the perfect unity of the Blessed Trinity.But even now we are called to be a dwelling for the Holy Trinity...''if a man loves me'' says the Lord ''he will keep my word and the Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.''John 14:23

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