11 January 2009

The Passion

''He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,died and was buried.''

Why did he encounter opposition from some of the Jews?
Some of things he did and said such as: forgiving sins,casting out demons,healing on the sabbath day and showing friendship to sinners seemed like signs of contradictions.
There were those who interpreted what he said as blasphemy,because they said,he ''made himself out to be God.''

What is the meaning of the last supper?
Jesus freely gave himself for our salvation on the alter of the Cross.At the last supper he both symbolized this offering and made it really present:''this is my body given for you.'' luk.22:19

What does it mean to say that Jesus died for our sins?
It means that ''God was reconciling the world to himself.'' 2 cor.5:19
And God 'loved us' and sent his Son to be expiation for our sins. 1 john 4:10

What is Christ's Redemption?
Christ's redemptive act was ''to give his life as a ransom for many'' mat.20:28
...so they might be ransomed from the futile ways they inherited from their fathers.'' 1 pet.1:18

Has Jesus taken away our sins?
Through his loving obedience to the Father, ''even to death on the cross'' phi.2:8, Jesus fulfilled the saving mission of the Suffering Servant which justifies many,by taking their sins upon himself Is.53:11. Jesus is the head of all mankind,and is therefore able to offer his redemptive sacrifice for all.

''He descended into hell .On the third he rose again.''

What does 'descended into hell'' mean?
It means that Jesus was truly dead, and that by dying for us,he conquered death and the devil who is the one ''who has the power of death'' heb.2:14

What happened after Jesus died?
After three days Jesus rose from the dead ,this called 'the resurrection'.

Is the resurrection an historical event?
The Resurrection is a real event.The writers of the New Testament bear witness to the facts of His Resurrection. 1corn.15:3-8.The disciples met the Lord after His Resurrection and witnessed the empty tomb,ate with him and saw the His scars and wounds to his hands and feet.John 20:24-28.

What does the empty tomb mean?
It pointed to the fact that by the power of God His body was resurrected and escaped the bonds of death and corruption.

Is Jesus's Resurrection of significant importance for us today?
Jesus's Resurrection is significant for our own Salvation.''Christ the first born of those risen from the dead'' Col.1:18,is the guarantee of our own resurrection.

''He ascended into heaven and is at the right hand of the Father''

What did Jesus do after he rose from the dead?
After his resurrection he spent forty days with his with his disciples until he ascended to heaven

What does the Ascension mean?
The Ascension marks the definitive entrance of the humanity of Jesus into the heavenly kingdom
of God,from where he will return.

Is Jesus' Ascension into heaven important for us today?
Jesus has gone before us to the glorious kingdom of the Father and to 'prepare a place for us so that where he is we may be also' John 14:1-4

Does Jesus now in heaven concern himself with us today?
Yes.Having gone into the sanctuary of heaven he intercedes for us and continually pours out the Holy Spirit on his Church.

''He will come again to judge the living and the dead''

Has the reign of Christ of already begun?
Christ the Lord reigns now through his Church though not everything in this world yet is subject to him.The triumph of Christ's return will not come without one last assault from the powers of evil.

How long will the struggle between good and evil last?
The wheat and chaff like in the parable in mat.13:24-30 will grow together through out history until the Christ comes in Glory to complete the final victory over evil.

What will happen on the day of Judgement?
Christ in Glory will come again to judge the living and the dead. ''For God will bring every deed into judgement with every secret thing,whether good or evil'' ecc.12:14

In Summary:Christ died for us in accordance to the scriptures.Jesus freely gave himself for our Salvation;during the Last Supper he both symbolized and and made it really present ''this is my body,this is my blood''.Jesus really did die and conquered death and the devil who has the power of death.The empty tomb and linen cloths lying there signify in themselves that by the power of God Christ's body had escaped the bonds of death and corruption. ''He is the first born of the dead''Christ already reigns from 'the right seat of the father' through the Church and continues to pour out the Holy spirit and will come again in Glory to judge the living and the dead.

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